Base on your description - it appears the Handler Cable between the SP3000 and the Handler is not connected properly. One end of the Handler cable connects to the SP3000 printer port and the other end connects up to the Handler Interface found on the front control panel.
Do Check to make sure the module is making firm contact with the SP3000 tester socket, you can do it by looking into the pusher system.Ensure all screw and mounting brackets are firmly secured.
If you are using the SP3000 for the first time - you need to perform a one time calibration on the tester. To do that - you need to press both the red and the white button to activate the calibration mode.The details on how to calibrate can be found in the SP3000 user manual.
The final check is to ensure you are using the correct adapter to test the module, there were several occassion where customers trys to ID and test 168pin EDO DRAM module using the SDRAM adapter.
Call CST Tech Support if you still cannot ID the module and test it.