| SP3000 Memory Tester Supports |  |  |
Wednesday, October 31, 2018 |
Sp3000 support
SP3000 General Information |
Q. | Can the Sp3000 support testing DDR memory ?
Yes - CST is currently developing an optional DDR adapter which can be pop onto the Sp3000 base tester to support testing the PC2100 and PC1600 184pin DDR DIMM module. |
| Q. | Can the Sp3000 support testing Rambus RIMM ?
No- the Sp3000 will not be capable of supporting Rambus RIMM module.
Currently - RIMM can be supported on the Eureka 1st Pass tester.
RIMM will be supported by the upcoming CST 's Apollo Memory tester.
| Q. | Will the SP3000-DDR adapter be capable of testing 168pin DIMM ?
No the 184pin DDR adapter will not be able to test 168pin SDRAM DIMM , since the DDR test socket will not fit the 168pin SDRAM. |
| Q. | What do I need to test 72pin DRAM SIMM and 168pin SDRAM DIMM ?
The SP3000 tester has a universal base test engine. With the correct test adapter, you can configure it to test both DRAM and SDRAM memory.
The Combo Tester option includes a base tester and two test adapters. The DRAM test adapter test 72pin SIMM and 168 pin DRAM DIMM. It is capable of testing JEDEC standard 72pin EDO and Fast Page & 168pin EDO & FPM DIMM module. The SDRAM test adapter test JEDEC standard 168pin SDRAM PC133 PC100 PC66 unbuffered and RegisteredSDRAM DIMM memory modules at real frequency. Optioinal 30pin SIMM and 144pin SDRAM SODIMM for laptop can be added too. |
| Q. | What is the test coverage for SP3000 ?
The SP3000 tester has user selectable test option. For Basic Test, it checks for assembly open and shorts on the module using the Walk address and Walk data test patterns. For detail comprehensive testing, the tester has additional user definable patterns such as Marching, Checkerboard , Preheat, Burst, Voltage Bounce tests to check for dram cell and operations related faults. |
| Q. | What are the test features of the SP3000 tester ?
For DRAM module testing
Walk Address Test - checks for open/short on address pins and bad address decoder.
Walk Data Test - checks for open/short data bits
Marching & Checkerboard Test checks for bad cells, decoder interaction problem.
Pre-heat Test checks for reliability during chip warming up.
Voltage bouncing test checks for modules with noise related problem
Loop Test to simulate module burn-in situation
For SDRAM Testing:
Has similar test as above and includes the followings :
Burst Test – checks for faulty chip that fail to read&write during consecutive clock cycles.
Chip Select Test – checks for assembly shorts and open on the CS pins
DQM Test – checks for SDRAM chip input and output masking ability
WP Test – check for module that is PC-100/PC133 Intel compliance.
| Q. | How accurate is the SP3000 tester ?
The tester detects almost all faults associated with memory module. The tester has an access time (Speed) resolution of 1 nanosecond and It is the tester used by majority of SIMM Module memory manufacturers and Service Depot. |
| Q. | How fast can memory module be tested with the SP3000 ?
The SP3000 is able to test a 32MB – 168pin DRAM DIMM module in 2 seconds for quick test (open and short test).A comprehensive detail test (open/short, marching test ) will take under 10 sec to complete . This is the fastest tester compared to other testers that will take 25 sec.
The SDRAM-133Mhz test adapter can perform a detailed test on a 32Mb PC100 SDRAM DIMM module in less than 8 sec flat as compared to other tester that will take more than 20sec. |
| Q. | Can the SP3000 automatically identity any module ?
With the correct test adapter attached to the base unit, you will be able to detect an entire array of memory module for size, number of data bits, access time (speed) etc. There's no guess work on your part. The SP3000 will Automatically-Identify all JEDEC standard module, for size/capacity, device configuration, access time (speed), parity / non parity/ ECC /3.3V/5.0V voltages and more. |
| Q. | Can it test PC133 modules ?
Yes, with the SDRAM 133mhz test adapter, it has user selectable frequency option from 66mhz - 133mhz to test PC133 PC100, PC66 SDRAM DIMM module. If you do not know the frequency, do not worry! The tester can automatically detects the frequency for you too! |
| Q. | How is the SP3000 compared with the Competition ?
The SP3000 is the most preferred tester used by many SIMM/DIMM manufacturer / OEM and Service Depot customer such as Samsung, HP, Micron, Compaq, Dell, CompUSA, Frys and more..
The SP3000 won the Reader ‘s Choice Award for Best Low Cost ATE Tester Solution in EE magazine (Evaluation Engineering)
The SP3000 is very easy to upgrade with optional plug-on test adapters.
Field upgradable with easy PC Control and Free Firmware download from the Internet.
User friendly test menu for “non –technical user”.
Compact, portable and standalone with universal switching power supply. |
| Q. | How can I update my tester for future release?
For Hardware upgrade to a different memory module type testing, the tester can be easily configured by purchasing the appropriate plug-on test adapter to the base tester.
For Firmware upgrade, an optional PC Interface Kit is available which allows user to download the firmware directly into the tester at the convenience at your location. |
| Q. | Does SP3000 require a PC connection ?
No, the tester is designed as a complete standalone unit and connection to PC is easily available with an optional PC Interface Kit & software. The PC will provide enhanced display of results & allow on-line firmware upgrade for future revision change |
| Q. | Can the SP3000 print test results ?
Yes , the SP3000 has a printer port located at the rear of the tester, it can be connected to any printer directly with a printer cable. The fail results will be printed out upon enabling the print function.
Sample printout
SP3000 SDRAM Version 1xx
Module : SD 2Mx64-8ns 2Kref# 1B (2) 3.3V
Addr. ( row x col.) : 11 x 9
Data (bank x bit) : 1 x 64 (2)
Test Pattern : w_addr, w_data, march, chk_bd
Loop # : 1
## FAIL : Walk Data - Loop 1 ##
Bank 1 : 1- 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19,
21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31-3
| Q. | Can the SP3000 Read/ Write the SPD EEProm on the module?
Yes , with the SDRAM Test adapter , it is capable of reading ,editing and programming the SPD EEPROM on the memory module. |
| Q. | Canthe SP3000 test Notebook module ?
Yes, the SP3000 is capable of testing Notebook memory modules. Two Version of the notebook adapter are available, one on the DRAM SODIMM and another for SDRAM SODIMM.
For DRAM 72 pin SODIMM and 144 pin SODIMM module, user will require the SP3-72/144 pin SODIMM DRAM adapter.
For SDRAM 144pin SODIMM, user will require the SP3-144/168 pin SDRAM adapter.
For PCMCIA Dram card module, user will require the SP3-PCMCIA Card Adapter. |
| Q. | Can it test DRAM chips ?
Yes , the SP3000 is capable of testing DRAM chips and SDRAM chips
For DRAM chip testing, user will require the SP3-SOJ DRAM adapter.
For SDRAM chip, user will require the SP3-TSOP SDRAM chip adapter. |
SP3000 Technical Information |
Q. | I having problem testing DIMM module on the SP3000 tester ?
The first question – we may ask , what type of DIMM are you testing ? SDRAM DIMM or DRAM DIMM?
To test PC66 PC100 PC133 (SDRAM) DIMM – you need to use the SDRAM Adapter with the base tester to correctly identify and test the modules.
To test EDO or Page Mode (DRAM) DIMM – you need to use the DRAM adapter to correctly identify and test the modules.
| Q. | How can I tell the difference between SDRAM & DRAM ?
You can identify a SDRAM module by the chips marking , typically :
PC133 SDRAM chips are marked with a number 7.5 at the end of the part number.The number identify the chip as a 8ns which is the speed or access time.
PC100 SDRAM chips are marked with a number “8” at the end of the part number.
PC66 SDRAM chips are marked “10 ,12” or 10ns & 12ns.
Most SDRAM DRAM Chip package are TSOP package which are very thin and flat.
For DRAM chip– look for a ”60” or “70” numbering mark on the chip- it denotes the access time or speed of 60ns or 70ns respectively. The chip packaging for DRAM are much thicker in height compared with the SDRAM chip |
| Q. | The SP3000-133Mhz adapter does not Identify or test my SDRAM modules?
A fully functional SP3000 tester with the correct test adapter will Auto-Id all JEDEC standard module for size/capacity, device configuration, access time (speed), parity / non parity/ ECC and voltages.
Check all connection point for firm connection - Device Under Test (DUT) and Test Socket, Test Adapter and Tester.
CALIBRATION : For SDRAM User, refer to Appendix B of the SP3000 operation manual for a simple one step SDRAM CALIBRATION PROCEDURE. This calibration is required every time the SDRAM Test Adapter is inserted to a different SP3000 Base Tester for the first time |
| Q. | The SP3000 tester fails my memory modules?
If the SP3000 fail the test, check and view the result message. Typical failure messaage associated failure are as follows :
Walk Address Failure - checks and detect open/short on address pins and bad address decoder.
Walk Data Failure - checks and detect open/short on data bits
Marching Failure – checks and detect bad cells and decoder interaction problem
Checkerboard Failure – checks and detect for bad cells, decoder interaction problem.
Pre-heat Test Failure– checks and detects reliability during chip warming –up.
Voltage bouncing test – check and detect modules with noise related problem
Loop Test Failure– to simulate module burn-in situation
For SDRAM Testing:
Walk address failure - check and detect for open/short on address pins and bad address decoder.
Walk data failure test - check and detect for open/short data bits
Marching failure - check and detect for bad cells, decoder interaction problem
Checkerboard failure - check and detect for bad cells, decoder interaction problem.
Burst test failure - checks for faulty chip that fail to read and write during consecutive clock cycles.
Chip select test - checks for assembly shorts and open on the CS pins
DQM failure test - checks for shorts and open on the SDRAM chip input and output masking ability
WP fail test - check for module that is PC-100 Intel compliance.
If your module is a known good module that works on the computer- but fail on the SP3000, it might be caused by a worn out test socket , or defective test adapter. Contact CST for an RMA number if you have tried all the above.
| Q. | Sometimes my module is identified as 64ns when the marking on the chip indicates 60ns ?
Occasionally you might chance upon certain modules that the tester identify as eg 64ns instead of 60ns, this can be caused by several factors:
Signal degradation due to the chip loading effect on the SIMM or DIMM module, the result only happen to one or two types of module, typically with a sizable amount of chips mounted on board.
If the timing is consistently high irregardless of type of module, then contact CST for RMA number to have your tester checked out. |
| Q. | While testing my SDRAM module, tester indicates failed SPD test.
If the [SPD data and address test] is selected in the test pattern, the tester will perform a SPD read / write verify comparison after completing functional test.
If the original SPD data saved and stored in the tester buffer does not match the programmed SPD on the memory module, then– the tester will fail “ SPD Data Test”.
Certain SDRAM DIMM modules are assembled with preprogrammed SPD EEPROM which are software write protected, you will not be able to reprogrammed this type of EEPROM again. Check with your supplier if you are not sure.
Solder shorts on the SPD pins could also result in “Fail SPD Address Test”, perform a visual inspection on the SPD EEPROM leads.
A defective EEPROM which is incapable of data retention and will also fail “SPD data test” . Try rewriting the SPD several times and it still fail- replace a new SPD EEPROM chip. |
| Q. | LCD display screen display a solid bar, what shall I do ?
One possible cause – could be caused by a corrupted firmware on the base tester or on the test adapter. Contact CST for a RMA number to replace the firmware. |
| Q. | The Test button does not work anymore ?
The push button switch is defective due to prolong usage- replacement is the only solution. Contact CST for a RMA replacement |
| Q. | Where can I obtain the latest firmware to update my SP3000 tester / test adapter?
| Q. | Where can I get help on Memory module data specification and spd information