Monday, August 30, 2021
EZSPD DDR5 Programmer
JEDEC DDR5 SPD Content 1.0 Beta 0 was released in July after massive changes to the spec over the past year, based on the latest spec CST released the first DDR5 SPD5 Programmer to the industry:

1. EZSPD DDR5 is USB interface, Win10/8/7/XP, 64/32 bits OS supported
2. DDR5 Register DIMM is totally different from DDR5 UDIMM, not only the pinout but also the module key position is different; EZSPD DDR5 is able to program both DDR5 RDIMM and DDR5 UDIMM on the same platform
3. DDR5 SPD organized as 16 blocks 64 bytes per block, EZSPD DDR5 Editor has the feature of Block Selector, allow user to edit/view each block separately

4. Each block can be set/clear write protection individually

5. Each byte has detail description information

6. ASCII code editor supported

7. Fast program/verify time
A Copy of the product brochure can be downloaded from:
EZSPD DDR5 Programmer is available NOW. Call 972-241-2661 x312 for pricing and delivery.
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