Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Samsung surpassed Motorola to become the No. 2 seller of mobile phones. In the second quarter Samsung shipped 37.4 million devices, compared with 35.5 million for Motorola.
Samsung has positioned itself as a maker of reliable, understated phones for folks who want something between the multidimensional iPhone and no-frills handsets. Samsung, says a rep for one U.S. wireless operator, is the "sensible shoe of cellphones."
But Samsung isn't satisfied with being a middlebrow No. 2. At a wireless industry conference earlier this year, telecom chief Gee Sung Choi made it clear he's gunning for the market leader, Nokia, which sold 100 million mobile phones last quarter.
"There is no reason we cannot catch up with Nokia," he told the conference. Choi speaks from experience. A Samsung lifer, he ran the television division from 1998 to 2003 and pushed it from sixth place to first.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved