Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Apple has announced that its Mac OS X version 10.5 Leopard will finally hit the shelves of its retail stores and authorized resellers on October 26.
Apple says Leopard has more than 300 new features, including a brand new desktop with Stacks, a new way to easily access files from the Dock; a redesigned Finder that lets users quickly browse and share files between multiple Macs; Quick Look, a new way to instantly see files without opening an application; Spaces, an intuitive new feature used to create groups of applications and instantly switch between them; and Time Machine, an effortless way to automatically back up everything on a Mac.
Leopard's new desktop includes the redesigned 3D Dock with Stacks, a new way to organize files for quick and easy access with just one click. Leopard automatically places web, email and other downloads in a Downloads stack to maintain a clutter-free desktop, according to Apple.
The updated Finder includes Cover Flow and a new sidebar with a dramatically simplified way to search for, browse and copy content from any PC or Mac on a local network.
Apple's Quick Look function allows users to look inside files without launching them or even having the application that created them. With Quick Look, users can instantly view full-screen, high-resolution files of virtually anything, even media files, from any view in the Finder.
Mac OS X version 10.5 Leopard will be available on October 26 at Apple's retail stores and through Apple authorized resellers for a suggested retail price of US$129.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved