Monday, May 12, 2008
Intel have won the the European 2.6GHz spectrum auction, in Sweden, which raised SEK 2.1 billion (about $350 million) after a grueling 112 rounds of bidding over 16 days.
Intel acquired 50MHz (TDD) spectrum for SEK 159.2 million ($26.5 million) and will likely look for local partners to build and operate a mobile WiMAX network using the license.
Intel says it will rent out the license to its chosen partners rather than sell it.
Other winners in the 2.6GHz auction, which the Swedish regulator stresses is technology and service neutral, included Tele2 and Telenor, both acquiring 2 x 20 MHz blocks.
With auctions coming up in other European countries, including the U.K., Austria and the Netherlands, the outcome of the Swedish auction provides much needed information on the price that operators will pay for 2.6GHz spectrum throughout Europe, the consultancy says.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved