Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Global chip sales in November were strong according to analysts at Carnegie Group (Oslo, Norway). The average of September, October and November chip sales is expected to be reported as $22.5 billion versus $21.7 billion for the equivalent figure in October.
This would represent a rise of 7.7 percent year-on-year against the three-month average for November 2008. However, actual November chip sales probably rose 26 percent compared with November 2008, according to Bruce Diesen, a senior strategist and analyst at Carnegie ASA.
This represents a major turnaround in annual performance and reflects that the market recovery has now largely occurred but is starting to be compared with the collapsing market that occurred one year ago.
Diesen referred to broad-based strength in PCs, handsets, automotive and consumer electronics.
Carnegie has changed its full year predictions and now states that 2009 chip sales will fall 10 percent (previous 12 percent) in dollar terms and that in 2010 chip sales will rise 13 percent (previous 11 percent).
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