The second position is held by Jaguar clocking 1.75 petaflops. According to the recent list by The Top 500 Supercomputers Sites, the third position is also held by a Chinese System called Nebulae which clocked 1.27 petaflops.
Currently five of the world's top 10 supercomputers are housed in the US while other five are located in China, Japan and Germany. However, five of the top 10 supercomputers are new in the list.
Also China has 42 systems in the Top 500 List of supercomputers ahead of Japan, France, Germany and UK and is positioned second to US in the number high performance computers in the list.
US is the largest user of High Performance Computers (HPC) with 275 of the top 500 systems, though the number has declined from 282 in June 2010.
The report by TOP500 Supercomputers also stated that Intel is still the preferred choice for supercomputers as 398 of the top 500 supercomputers are powered by Intel processors. Playing second fiddle to Intel is its rival AMD, powering 57 systems.
Also both the Chinese supercomputers in the top 10 list use NVIDIA GPUs as co-processors for acceleration. 17 of the top 500 supercomputers currently use GPUs.
Petaflop is a measure of a computer's processing speed and expressed as a thousand trillion operations per second.