Monday, September 26, 2011
Elpida Memory said it has completed development of 25nm-made 4Gb DDR3 memory.
Elpida indicated that it developed 2Gb DDR3 chips fabricated at the more-advanced 25nm process in May. Sample shipments began in July, the company added. The newly-developed 25nm 4Gb chips will be available for sample shipments by the end of 2011.
Prior to Elpida's announcement, Samsung disclosed that its 20nm-class 2Gb DDR3 DRAM is ready for mass production. The company also plans to build 4Gb DDR3 chips using the newer node technology by the end of 2011.
Industry sources believe that Samsung's 'actual' mass-volume production of 20nm-class DRAM should not take place until 2012. The industry leader is currently utilizing 3Xnm as its major DRAM process technology.
Among Taiwan-based DRAM makers, only Rexchip Electronics has started migrating a portion of its capacity to 30nm-class process technology. Rexchip is Elpida's production subsidiary.
Nanya Technology, Inotera Memories and Powerchip Technology are still in the transition to 4Xnm processes. The technology adopted by the companies now lags behind that of Samsung and Elpida by as large as two generations.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved