Monday, April 15, 2013
Royal Philips Electronics NV (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) has announced it has produced the most energy efficient LED lamp suitable for general lighting.
Philips researchers have developed a tube-shaped light suitable for replacing fluorescent lights that produces 200 lumens per watt of white light. This compares with 100 lumens per watt available from fluorescent lighting and 15 lumens per watt from traditional light bulbs.
Lighting accounts for 19 percent of the world's total electricity consumption, Philips said. So the TLED could allow more light to shine from reduced energy consumption and cost.
The 200 lumen per watt TLED lamp is expected to be available on the market in 2015 for office and industry applications before being offered for domestic use. In the United States fluorescent lights consume around 200 terawatts-hours of electricity annually.
By: Docmemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved