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“It Can Wait” advertisements to dicourage texting while driving

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 The country's four biggest cell phone companies are launching their first joint advertising campaign this summer.
The rivals are uniting to blitz TV and radio with an anti-texting campaign.
Verizon Wireless, Sprint and T-Mobile are jumping on the bandwagon with AT&T’s “It Can Wait” advertisements.
The ads often feature a family who lost a loved one to texting while driving or a celebrity who has taken the "It Can Wait" pledge.
One of the current AT&T ads includes a young man who crashed into a bicyclist, who says, “I sent one stupid meaningless text and killed a man.”
Another ad features a young woman who lost her sister to texting while driving.  In the ad she tearfully shares, “Four little letters. That's what killed her."
The multi-million dollar ad campaign targets teen drivers in particular.
The CDC reports at least nine people are killed and more than 1,000 injured every day in the United States in crashes related to distracted driving.
The new joint campaign is not only unusual because it brings together competitors, but also because those companies are warning against the dangers of their own products.
In addition to TV and radio ads, you will also see the campaign on Goodyear blimps, in store displays, at community events and all over social media this summer.
The "It Can Wait" partnership is expected to last through September but may be extended if the four companies agree to continue it.

By: Docmemory
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