Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Apple has filed a trademark application for an "iWatch" in Japan, fuelling speculation the US tech giant is preparing to introduce a wearable computing device. The trademark application was filed on June 3, according to the Patent Office.
"The application is under examination process for approval, which in general takes some four to five months," a Patent Office official said.
Competition in the "smartwatch" market is already heating up, with Google, Microsoft and Samsung Electronics rushing to develop their own watch-type computing devices.
Sony last week unveiled the latest version of its SmartWatch, which links with smartphones to receive alerts about phone calls, emails and updates from social networks, as well as including a music function.
A research note from the brokerage firm Jefferies said Apple is likely to cut production plans for the iPhone to between 25 and 30 million in the third quarter, down from between 40 and 45 million.
It went on to predict that Apple would also trim production in the fourth quarter to between 50 and 55 million from 60 to 65 million. Apple's profit in the first three months of this year dipped for the first time in nearly a decade despite a rise in revenue from the same period a year earlier.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved