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ams OSRAM Launches Global Partner Network

Monday, November 21, 2022

ams OSRAM has launched a new Global Partner Network of design consultancies, module suppliers, and supporting component manufacturers to accelerate customers’ time to market and facilitate new business opportunities, while taking advantage of the latest optical and sensor technologies.

Partners are selected based on their technical expertise, solution offering and track record of working with customers to co-create new products. The Global Partner Network encompasses the hardware, software, tools, services and know-how required to quickly capitalize on today’s megatrends without huge investment.

“ams OSRAM products are at the leading edge of many optical and sensor technologies. The Global Partner Network Program will deliver more customer value. It will enhance our relationship with our partner ecosystem and provide our joint customers with a comprehensive and global pool of expertise and solutions. ams OSRAM is ensuring that any customer can take advantage of our technologies, no matter how much design experience or resources it has internally,” said Pierre Laboisse, Executive Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing at ams OSRAM.

The new ams OSRAM Partner Network is designed to give customers multiple options to procure the support that best fits their business model with the integration of advanced optical and sensor systems into end product designs.

It includes different type of partners so that interested ams OSRAM customers are put in position to procure the appropriate solution or service: module and solutions providers; independent design houses; manufacturers of complementary offerings; and manufacturers of recommended components.

The ams OSRAM Global Partner Network already includes more than 40 partners offering advanced lighting and sensing solutions for automotive, industrial, consumer and medical applications. ams OSRAM welcomes new members to the network to expand the range of expertise and capabilities available to its customers.

Members of the network will benefit from a formal framework for the co-operation with ams OSRAM. This includes direct expert-to-expert interaction with ams OSRAM specialists, training materials and tools; access to samples for early design and testing; mutual promotion of each other’s products in sales collateral, online and on social media; and joint discovery of new business opportunities.

By: DocMemory
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