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Taiwan’s ITRI signed agreement with Lithuanian to share semiconductor chip technology.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) on Wednesday (Jan. 18) signed an agreement with Lithuanian internet-of-things (IoT) company Teltonika IoT Group to share semiconductor chip technology.

The deal allows Teltonika to use the licenses for ITRI’s semiconductor chip manufacturing technologies and devices, per Lithuanian Radio and Television (LRT). Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry will allot 10 million euros to the agreement, while Teltonika will contribute 4 million euros (NT$131.13 million). The semiconductor projects are expected to be completed by 2027.

“We have enough potential to establish ourselves in the global semiconductor market, and this partnership with Taiwan will help Lithuania to move forward rapidly, to match the world’s strongest players, and to realize our ambitious goals,” LRT quoted Lithuanian Economy and Innovation Minister Ausrine Armonaite as saying.

Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis praised the deal as "historic,” saying it “opens up opportunities for the development of a new high-value-added industry in Lithuania.” “Decisions on strategic diversification and strengthening ties with Taiwan are yielding excellent results,” he added.

Teltonika President Arvydas Paukstis said this will be the largest cooperation project between ITRI and a foreign country. “This agreement proves that we are capable and reliable partners for such complex projects. I believe that the implementation of the planned works will help Lithuania to be among the most advanced countries in the world,” he said.

Additionally, Taiwan envoy to Lithuania Eric Huang announced Taiwan will officially begin importing Lithuanian beef and beef products.

Taiwan-Lithuania relations have grown increasingly close since Taiwan opened a representative office in Lithuania’s capital, Vilnius, in November 2021, causing backlash from China. The Baltic nation established a trade office in Taipei nearly one year later, in November 2022.

By: DocMemory
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