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Samsung has made a 50% production cut in NAND production from September

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Samsung has made a 50% production cut in NAND production from September, with the focus mainly on processes under 128 layers, says TrendForce.

Other suppliers are expected to follow suit and increase their production cutbacks in Q4 to accelerate inventory reduction.

Consequently, Q4 NAND Flash average prices are projected to either hold firm or witness a mild surge, possibly in the ballpark of 0~5%.

With mounting losses for NAND Flash vendors and sales prices nearing production costs, suppliers are opting to amplify production cuts to help stabilize and potentially increase prices.

Notably, NAND Flash Wafer contract prices kickstarted their revival in August. For a positive price trajectory to continue into 2024, a sustained curtailing in production and a robust rebound in enterprise SSD purchase orders are pivotal.

By: DocMemory
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