Monday, March 3, 2003
Contract prices for DDR SDRAM chip have plunged 25% to 33% in a month amid a weak global market demand.
Contract prices for 256Mbit DDR chips last week ranged from a low of $3.65 to a high of $4.25, while 128Mbit DDR ranged from $1.75 to $2.25, according to
The price collapse also for the first time drove DDR chips below the average selling price of single-data-rate SDRAM.
In the spot market, DDR chips have fallen in price by 32% in the past month. Spot prices for 256Mbit chips sunk to $2.89--well below the contract level--although 128Mbit DDR is hovering just outside the contract range at $1.67, said.
Many industy experts expect DDR prices to continue falling in the spot market as vendors try to unload excess inventory.
By: Docmemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved