Tuesday, July 15, 2003
A credit-card-size, 1.3-megapixel camera offering print-quality images is being released in Japan this month by Fuji Axia, a division of Fuji Photo Film.
Fuji's Eyeplate Mega, measuring 8 millimeters in thickness, is based on the Ultra-Pocket reference camera design developed by Smal Camera Technologies. It is priced at $109 and is expected to become commercially available later in the U.S. and Europe, says Romney Williams, executive director of business development with Smal.
The company expects cameras based on the Ultra-Pocket reference design will become available in the U.S. through Fuji and other distributors later this year, he adds.
The Eyeplate Mega is based on the second update of the Ultra-Pocket design, which can produce images of 1280 by 1024 pixels, Williams says. Fuji has licensed the Ultra-Pocket camera components and specifications from Smal and will assemble and distribute the camera under the Eyeplate Mega brand.
Running on a lithium-polymer rechargeable battery, the camera can take as many as 1000 photographs on a single battery charge, says Aimee Yoon, a Smal spokesperson. The camera recharges automatically when connected to a computer via a USB port.
The USB connector also allows users to download images from the camera to the computer, Yoon says. The camera is compatible with the Windows and Mac OS X platforms.
The camera's internal 16MB of memory can hold 21 high-resolution pictures and 88 low-resolution pictures. The camera will ship with an SD memory card slot that allows users to add memory.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved