Monday, November 10, 2003
Infineon Technologies turned to profit in the fourth quarter with of $56 million net income on sales of $2.02 billion, the company reported.
For the full fiscal year, Infineon made a net loss of $500 million on revenue of $7.06 billion. Infineon has have 9 consecutive quarters of loss until the current quarter.
Strong sales on logic and memory products have improved the earnings. "We finally achieved profitability again in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2003. This is a consequence of the continuous implementation of our growth strategy and our productivity program Impact-2," said Ulrich Schumacher, president and chief executive officer of Infineon, in a statement.
The memory products business group's fourth quarter revenues were $880 million, an increase of 34% sequentially and 75% year-on-year. The sequential revenue and earnings growth was due to higher average selling prices for memory products as well as a strong increase in bit shipments and cost and productivity improvements.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved