Wednesday, April 7, 2004
Mosaid Technologies Inc. today said it has filed a court motion in New Jersey seeking an amendment to the list of disputed terms in the ongoing patent infringement suit involving the company, Infineon Technologies and Samsung Electronics.
Late last month, Judge William J Martini, who proceeded over the so-called Markman hearing in January, ruled on 52 claim terms, including 30 disputed terms, related to the 108 claims being asserted from the nine patents at issue against both Infineon and Samsung.
Mosaid filed a further motion on Monday for an order imposing sanctions against Samsung arising from its alleged failure to deliver technical documents related to its DRAM products.
The memory maker now wants to amend the list to add the term "double bootstrapping circuit," which was not one of the 30 disputed claim terms but was introduced by the court as part of a disclaimer associated with a number of the terms.
The motion seeks a discretionary remedy granted in limited circumstances where evidence or issues have been overlooked, the company said.
The issue of whether the Samsung and Infineon DRAM products infringe on Mosaid's patents will be determined by the court in the scheduled summary judgment motions or at trial.
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