Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Altera Corp. released two FPGA-based hardware reference platforms for use with DDR2 SDRAMs, QDRII SRAMs and RLDRAM II memory devices.
The platforms implement high-speed memory interfaces with Altera's Stratix FPGAs to enable designers with hardware implementation guidelines including layout, termination recommendations, and signal integrity analysis. The platforms also support the company's Stratix II devices, for 50 percent higher performance than Stratix devices.
The RLDRAM II/DDR Stratix memory board contains both separate I/O and common I/O RLDRAM II devices, with four DDR SDRAM devices and one DDR module (DIMM). The DDR2/QDRII Stratix memory board features two DDR2 devices, one DDR2 DIMM and two QDRII devices. Both memory boards use the Stratix EP1S40 device.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved