Thursday, July 22, 2004
Get ready for a competitive bloodbath this year between top PC motherboard suppliers.
The fight will be due to increasing concentration of market share among the top players combined with intensifying sales boosting efforts, iSuppli reports.
Asus, Hon Hai (Foxconn), ECS, MSI and Gigabyte led the market last year for PC motherboard shipments, accounting for 72 percent of all units shipped. Even with strong market share, the firm noted that these top-five suppliers are not satisfied with controlling nearly three-quarters of the market and are planning to increase their share even more, based on the fact that they have all boosted their manufacturing capacities.
ISuppli predicts worldwide motherboard shipments in 2004 will reach 148.5 million up from 132.3 million units in 2003, which would give the top motherboard makers 87.5 percent of all sales. To achieve that, the top five would need to conduct all manufacturing for most of the tier-two and tier-three motherboard vendors, plus a significant portion of the production for original design manufacturers, the firm said.
Meanwhile, total worldwide motherboard market revenue will rise to $9.9 billion in 2004 -- up 10.7 percent from $8.97 billion in 2003 -- then climb to $10.5 billion in 2005, according to the firm. Unit shipments will increase 12.3 percent to 148.5 million in 2004, then rise to 159.8 million in 2005, up another 7.6 percent.
ISuppli believes this market penetration is not achievable except at the cost of a severe ASP decline and despite expected market growth this year of 12.3 percent, the reality is that most, if not all, top-tier motherboard makers simply won’t achieve their growth targets for this year, and those that do will grow mainly at the expense of other tier-one players.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved