Thursday, September 2, 2004
U.S. chief executives plan to increase hiring and capital spending amid recent soft economic data and market concerns over sluggish job growth, an survey said.
The survey suggested CEOs expect steady economic growth. "Despite the economy's moderate slowdown over the past two months, CEOs remain optimistic about business conditions," said one of the CEOs.
The CEO Economic Index, which combines responses on sales, capital spending and hiring, rose to a new high of 101.7 compared with 96.5 in June. A level over 50 signals an expansion.
In the next six months, 40 percent of U.S. CEOs expect their companies to add jobs, up from 38 percent in June, while 48 percent expect hiring to remain flat compared with 43 percent in June, according to the survey.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved