Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Sun is laying out work to win back some of its former financial-industry customers with its a new line of servers with cutting-edge technology that are as cheap and powerful as the Linux-based servers.
Over the last few years, these financial firms have turning to lower-cost servers using Intel chips and running the open-source Linux operating system amid slowing business. Sun intends to take these customers back by introducing products that can match up with competition in both performance and price.
The company said it now offers a more appealing mix of products, including Linux-based servers that use Advanced Micro Devices' low-cost Opteron chips. Those servers start at $8,495 for a server with four microprocessors.
It said Sun also plans to tout Solaris 10, its upcoming version of its Solaris operating system. Solaris 10 will run on both SPARC, Sun's proprietary processors, and on servers designed around both AMD chips and Intel chips.
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