Friday, December 9, 2005
Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center (IEK) under the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) predicted that commnuication industry will be the most popular industry in Taiwan next year with several hottest products to emerge such as mobile phone, GPS, WiMax, IAD and Passive Optical Network (PON). The most promising is the WiMax, which set to start commercialize in 2006.
Currently, ZYXEL has received an order of WiMax Access Point. Z-Com, Gemtec and Foxconn are also very aggressive for the preparation of WiMax. However, the time for largest production output of WiMax will be in 2007. IEK announced the industry outlook report yesterday.
Analyst Chang Hai Shi said that mobile phone, GPS, WiMax, IAD and PON would be the 5 major popular product categories in the future. The total production of Taiwan mobile industry will reach over 80 millions units by the end of this year. After the merge of Siemens' mobile phone division into BenQ and the FIH orders, total production of whole industry will reach approximately 130 billions units, challenging a total production value of NT$216 billion with annual increase of 36%.
Led by big WiMax manufacturers such as Intel, Wimax will become commercialized in 2006 due to the establishment of standards. IEK predicts that the global production value of WiMax AP will reach US$50 million; user end equipment's value will be USD 80millions.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved