Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Seagate Technology unveiled its ST 1.3 Series, the company’s newest 1-inch microdrive that has a 12GB storage capacity with availability slated for the third quarter of this year.
The ST 1.3 Series adopts perpendicular recording technology, Seagate indicated, adding that in comparison with existing Seagate 1-inch microdrives, the ST 1.3 Series has a 23% smaller footprint, 50% larger storage capacity, and consumes 30% less power as well as offering shock and drop resistance features.
Applications for the ST 1.3 Series include PMPs (portable multi-media players) and high-end multi-media handsets, whereas use in MP3 players may face competition from NAND flash memory, the storage capacity of which keeps increasing, according to Rob Pait, Seagate’s director of global consumer electronics marketing, and Daven Chiang, sales & marketing director and general manager for Seagate’s Taiwan office.
Three to four Taiwanese makers are developing handsets equipped with microdrives and may offer prototypes for testing in the second or third quarter of this year with product launches planned in 2007, Chiang pointed out.
By: Docmemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved