Wednesday, March 29, 2006
The U.S. wireless service provider industry rocketed ahead in 2005, adding approximately 21.8 million new subscribers, crossing the 200 million subscriber and 70 percent market penetration thresholds, said IDC.
However, IDC finds the U.S. consumer wireless industry rapidly approaching key turning points this year. With subscriber growth slowing, total voice revenue is expected to decline in the 2008-2009 timeframe.
"Total voice service revenue declines late in the forecast period will jolt an industry accustomed to 25 years of voice revenue growth and further emphasize the importance of data services to the future of the industry,” said Scott Ellison, program director of wireless and mobile communications at IDC, in a statement.
With the consumer wireless market approaching saturation, service providers will focus on the business market and its attractively high voice ARPU and still early-stage adoption of data as primary growth drivers, said IDC. Business revenue is expected to grow from $29 billion in 2005 to $52 billion in 2010.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved