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Acer becomes the highest growth PC seller

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

As the leading NB brand in Europe, acer started to face the growth to slow down. However, the PC shipment increased in the US and China in Q1. The revenue was boosted from 11% to 18% in the US and from 4% to 6% in China respectively. The revenue of Asia Pacific market also increased from 13% to 15% when European market dropped from 66% to 56% that showed acer is seeking the balanced development in globalization this year.


According to IDCfs statistics, the NB sales volume of acer was reached 1.96 million units in Q1, 2006 with growth of 57% accounted for 10.8% market share. The sales volume of European market was reached 903,000 units with growth of 17%. On the other hand, acer reached the NB sales volume at 255,000 units in the US with growth of 130% ranked as the 8th in the industry and the rapidest growing cooperation. The sales volume of acer in Asia-Pacific market was reached 410,000 units with the growth of 143% as the 3rd highest.


According to Gartner, acerfs PC sales volume worldwide was grew 45.5% from 2005 with the highest growth in the world ranked as the 4th highest when Dell was 10.2%, HP 22.3%, Lenovo 10.5%, and Fujitsu Siemens 6.6%. The PC sales volume of acer in Europe was grew 35.4% higher than the average of 12.6%. Mr. J.T. Wang, the president of acer, indicated there is a lot of room for acer to grow in desk-top computer (DT) in Europe. The total sales volume can be reach 5 million units in 2006 and the goal of 2007 will be 10 million units. The DT business will be accounted for 20%~23% of total revenue.

By: DocMemory
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