Thursday, May 4, 2006
In test and measurement few things change as quickly as high-end oscilloscope bandwidth. Now LeCroy takes center stage for the all-important bandwidth and sample-rate specifications. As always, the driving force behind the need for higher bandwidth is the emergence of serial data streams such as 10-Gbit Ethernet.
LeCroy's SDA 18000 Serial Data Analyzer boasts a bandwidth at the probe of 18 GHz. (The company has also released a 9-GHz version, the SDA 9000.) LeCroy claims that the SDA 18000 achieves its bandwidth without the software bandwidth enhancements that its competitors use. Tektronix uses digital signal processing (DSP) to boost its high-end scope's bandwidth from 12 GHz to 15 GHz, and Agilent uses DSP to boost bandwidth from 12 GHz to 13 GHz.
LeCroy also claims the highest single-channel sample rate: 60 Gsamples/s on one channel in the SDA 18000, with lower bandwidth, sample rate, and waveform memory depending on the number of channels (1, 1+2, or 4) and how they're used. The table shows the channel configurations for the three memory options.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved