Friday, September 1, 2006
Taiwan-based memory maker ProMOS Technology Inc. is planning to invest $5 billion for two more 300-mm wafer DRAM fabs that will be located in central Taiwan. Construction will begin in the third quarter of next year.
After fab construction is completed, ProMOS will be a contender for owning the most 300-mm fabs. Currently, it runs two 300-mm fabs—one at the Hsinchu Science Park (Fab 2) and another at the Central Taiwan Science Park (Fab 3), where it also began building a third fab in July. That fab will come online next year. It also will shift a 200-mm wafer facility (Fab 1) to 300-mm wafer production.
Few other details were available, such as when the fabs will be equipped or how quickly they will ramp up to full capacity.
ProMOS was the first chip maker to manufacture 300-mm wafers in Taiwan in 2001. Within the next few years, its monthly capacity for the bigger wafers will reach 140,000, the company said.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved