Wednesday, September 6, 2006
STMicroelectronics NV and Hynix Semiconductor are close to catching up with leaders in the NAND flash market with the introduction of 4-Gbit and 8-Gbit NAND flash memories made on a 70-nanometer process at a 300-mm wafer fab in Wuxi, China.
Hynix-ST Semiconductor Ltd., a joint venture in which ST holds one third and Hynix two thirds, has operated a 200-mm wafer fab for DRAMs at Wuxi for some time, and is just completing the commissioning of the 300-mm wafer fab erected to manufacture NAND flash memories.
Hynix said that it plans to raise $750 million in investment funds for the expansion of Hynix-ST Semiconductor Ltd. manufacturing capacity before the end of June 2007. The two-to-one split in ownership would imply that ST would be expected to contribute $250 million to match $500 million from Hynix or if Hynix raises $750 million ST would be expected to raise $375 million.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved