Monday, October 2, 2006
Sony Corp. said on Tuesday it will launch its Blu-ray high-definition optical disc recorder in Japan in December, with an expected price tag of around 300,000 yen ($2,550) for a model with a 500-gigabyte hard disk drive.
At the core of both formats are blue lasers, which have a shorter wavelength than the red lasers used in current DVD equipment, allowing discs to store data at the higher densities needed for high-definition movies and television.
The new machines are expected to breathe new life into the slowing home video market. But the failure to agree on a unified format led by the competing Toshiba- and Sony-led groups will create customer confusion.
Panasonic-brand electronics maker Matsushita said last month it would start selling two Blu-ray DVD recorders in Japan on November 15.
In March, Toshiba started rolling out its HD DVD players in Japan, becoming the first company to offer next-generation optical disc players, while Samsung introduced the first Blu-ray player in June.
By: DocMemory Copyright © 2023 CST, Inc. All Rights Reserved