Since I wrote “Understanding DDR Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Table” in 2003, I have been getting a lot a feedback from readers. I added “Understanding DDR2 Serial Presence Detect (SPD) Table” in 2006. Some of you told me that you are using these articles to train your employees and to introduce the mysteries SPD concept to your customers. I feel honored by your responses.
Lately, CST has started shipment of a DDR3 EZ Programmer. Since the DD3 DIMM is introduced recently, I think this is the time to add an article for the DDR3 SPD Table. Due to the many more years of development, the DD3 SPD table has definitely got more sophisticated than the original DDR and DDR2 SPD table. Your attention is required to understand and follow through. I will try to use as much layman language as I can to accommodate you all.

Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data is probably the most misunderstood subject in the memory module industry. Most people only know it as the little Eeprom device on the DIMM that often kept the module from working properly in the computer. On the contrary, it is quite the opposite. The SPD data actually provide vital information to the system Bios to keep the system working in optimal condition with the memory DIMM. This article attempts to guide you through the construction of an SPD table with “Turbo-Tax” type of multiple choices questions. I hope you’ll find it interesting and useful.
Sample Jedec Standard SPD Data Table

Byte 0
Number of Serial PD Bytes Written/ SPD Device Size/ CRC Coverage
Bit 3 to Bit 0 describes the total size of the serial memory actually used in the EEprom for the Serial Presence Detect data. Bit 6 to Bit 4 describes the number of bytes available in the EEprom device, usually 128byte or 256 byte. On top of that, Bit 7 indicates whether the unique module identifier covered by the CRC encoded on bytes 126 and 127 is based on (0-116byte) or based on (0-125byte)..
(When CST EZ-SPD Programmer is used: Simply select items from 3 tables and automatically calculate the final hex number)
The most common one used is:
Total SPD Bye = 256
CRC Coverage = 0-116Byte
SPD Byte used = 176 Byte
Resulting code is 92h
Byte 1
SPD Revision
Version 0.0 00h
Revision 0.5 05h
Revision 1.0 10h
Revision 1.1 11h
Revision 1.2 12h
Byte 2
DRAM Device Type
This refers to the DRAM type. In this case, we are only dealing with DDR3 SDRAM.
Byte 3
Module Type
This relates to the physical size, and category of memory module.
Undefined 00h
RDIMM (Registered Long DIMM) 01h
UDIMM (Unbuffered Long DIMM) 02h
SODIMM (Small Outline DIMM) 03h
Byte 4
SDRAM Density and Banks
This byte defines the total density of the DDR3 SDRAM, in bits, and the number of internal banks into which the memory array is divided.
Presently all DDR3 have 8 internal banks.
SDRAM Chip Size
512Mb 01h
1Gb 02h
2Gb 03h
4Gb 04h
Byte 5
SDRAM Addressing
This byte describes the row addressing and column addressing in the SDRAM Device.
512Mb chips
13 Row X 10 Column 09h
13 Row X 12 Column 0Bh
12 Row X 10 Column 01h
1Gb chips
14 Row X 10 Column 11h
14 Row X 12 Column 13h
13 Row X 10 Column 09h
2Gb chips
15Row X 10 Column 19h
15 Row X 12 Column 1Bh
14 Row X 10 Column 11h
Byte 6
Reserved 00h
Byte 7
Module Organization
This byte describes the organization of the SDRAM module; the number of Ranks and the Device Width of each DRAM
(When CST EZ-SPD Programmer is used: Simply select number of Ranks and Device Width. It automatically calculate final hex number)
1 Rank module using X8 chips 01h
2 Rank module using X8 chips 09h
1 Rank module using X4 chips 00h
2 Rank module using X4 chips 08h
4 Rank module using X8 chips 19h
4 Rank module using X4chips 18h
1 Rank module using X16 chips 02h
2 Rank module using X16 chips 10h
Byte 8
Module Memory Bus Width
This refers to the primary bus width of the module plus the additional with provided by ECC
16bit 01h
32bit 04h
64bit (no parity) 03h
64bit + ECC (72bit) 0Bh
Byte 9
Fine timebase (FTB) Dividend / Divisor
This byte defines a value in picoseconds that represents the fundamental timebase for fine grain timing calculations. This value is used as a multiplier for formulating subsequent timing parameters. The granularity in picoseconds is derived from Dividend being divided by the Divisor.
2.5ps 52h
5ps 55h
Byte 10
Medium Timebase (MTB) Dividend
Byte 11
Medium Timebase (MTB) Divisor
These byte defines a value in nanoseconds that represents the fundamental timebase for medium grain timing calculations. This value is used as a multiplier for formulating subsequent timing parameters. The two byte forms the Dividend and the Divisor to determine the granularity of the medium timebase.
0.125ns Byte 10 01h Byte 11 08h
0.0625ns Byte 10 01h Byte 11 0Fh
Byte 12
Minimum SDRAM Cycle Time (tCK min)
This byte describes the minimum cycle time for the module in medium timebase (MTB) units.
For MTB granularity = 0.125ns (Byte 10 and Byte 11)
DDR3 400Mhz clock (800data rate) 14h
DDR3 533Mhz clock (1066data rate) 0Fh
DDR3 667Mhz clock (1333data rate) 0Ch
DDR3 800Mhz clock (1600data rate) 0Ah
Byte 13
Reserved 00h
Byte 14
CAS Latencies Supported, Low Byte
(When CST EZ-SPD Programmer is used: Simply select all latencies supported from table. Automatically calculate the hi and low byte hex value base on binary number)
Latency 5.6 supported 06h
Latency 6 supported 04h
Latency 6,7 supported 0Ch
Latency 5, 6, 7, 8 supported 1Eh
Byte 15
CAS Latencies Supported, High Byte 00h
Byte 16
Minimum CAS Latency Time (tAAmin)
Minimum CAS Latency based on medium timebase (MTB) units. tAAmin can be read off SDRAM data sheet.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
12.5ns DDR3-800D 64h
15ns DDR3-800E 78h
11.25ns DDR3-1066E 5Ah
13.125ns DDR3-1066F 69h
15ns DDR3-1066G 78h
10.5ns DDR3-1333F 54h
12ns DDR3-1333G 60h
13.5ns DDR3-1333H 6Ch
15ns DDR3-1333J 78h
10ns DDR3-1600G 50h
11.25ns DDR3-1600H 5Ah
12.5 ns DDR3-1600J 64h
13.75ns DDR3-1600K 6Eh
Byte 17
Minimum Write Recovery Time (tWRmin)
This byte defines the minimum SDRAM write recovery time in medium timebase (MTB) units. This value is read from the DDR3 SDRAM data sheet.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
tWR min
15ns 78h
12ns 60h
16ns 80h
Byte 18
Minimum RAS# to CAS# Delay time (tRCDmin)
This byte defines the minimum SDRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay in (MTB) units
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
tRCD min
12.5ns DDR3-800D 64h
15ns DDR3-800E 78h
11.25ns DDR3-1066E 5Ah
13.125ns DDR3-1066F 69h
15ns DDR3-1066G 78h
10.5ns DDR3-1333F 54h
12ns DDR3-1333G 60h
15ns DDR3-1333J 78h
10ns DDR3-1600G 50h
11.25ns DDR3-1600H 5Ah
12.5 ns DDR3-1600J 64h
13.75ns DDR3-1600K 6Eh
Byte 19
Minimum Row Active to Row Active Delay time (tRRDmin)
This byte defines the minimum SDRAM Row Active to Row Active Delay in (MTB) units. This can be read from the SDRAM data sheet.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
tRRD min
6.0 ns 30h
7.5 ns 3Ch
10 ns 50h
Byte 20
Minimum Row Precharge Delay Time (tRPmin)
This byte defines the minimum SDRAM Row Precharge Delay in (MTB) units. This can be read from the SDRAM data sheet.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
tRP min
12.5ns DDR3-800D 64h
15ns DDR3-800E 78h
13.125ns DDR3-1066F 69h
15ns DDR3-1066G 78h
10.5ns DDR3-1333F 54h
12ns DDR3-1333G 60h
13.5ns DDR3-1333H 6Ch
15ns DDR3-1333J 78h
10ns DDR3-1600G 50h
11.25ns DDR3-1600H 5Ah
12.5 ns DDR3-1600J 64h
13.75ns DDR3-1600K 6Eh
Byte 21
Upper Nibbles for tRAS and tRC
This byte makes up the MSB (upper 4 bits) of the tRAS (bits 3-0) and tRC (bits 7-4) for Byte 22 (tRAS lower byte) and Byte 23 (tRC lower byte). They are in (MTB) units.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
These nibbles represents the value of 256 (in MTB units) for both the tRAS and tRC upper nibble.. Therefore, the value is always
Byte 22
Minimum Active to Precharge Delay Time (tRAS min), Least Significant Byte
This byte is the lower 8 bits of the 12 bit tRAS value. It is represented in MTB units. The tRAS value can be read from the SDRAM data sheet.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
tRAS min
37.5ns DDR3-800D 2Ch
37.5ns DDR3-800E 2Ch
37.5ns DDR3-1066E 2Ch
37.5ns DDR3-1066F 2Ch
37.5ns DDR3-1066G 2Ch
36ns DDR3-1333F 20h
36ns DDR3-1333G 20h
36ns DDR3-1333H 20h
36ns DDR3-1333J 20h
35ns DDR3-1600G 18h
35ns DDR3-1600H 18h
35ns DDR3-1600J 18h
35ns DDR3-1600K 18h
Byte 23
Minimum Active to Active Refresh Delay Time (tRC min), Least Significant Byte
This byte is the lower 8 bits of the 12 bit tRC value. It is represented in MTB units. The tRC value can be read from the SDRAM data sheet.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
tRC min
50ns DDR3-800D 90h
52.5ns DDR3-800E A4h
48.75ns DDR3-1066E 86h
50.625ns DDR3-1066F 95h
52.5ns DDR3-1066G A4h
46.5ns DDR3-1333F 74h
48ns DDR3-1333G 80h
49.5ns DDR3-1333H 8Ch
51ns DDR3-1333J 98h
45ns DDR3-1600G 68h
46.25ns DDR3-1600H 72h
47.5ns DDR3-1600J 7Ch
48.75ns DDR3-1600K 86h
Byte 24
Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFCmin), Least Significant Byte
Byte 25
Minimum Refresh Recovery Delay Time (tRFCmin), Most Significant Byte
These two Byes forms a 16 bit value representing the tRFC value in MTB units.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
tRFC min
for 512Mb chip 90ns Byte 24 D0h Byte 25 02h
for 1Gb chip 110ns Byte 24 70h Byte 25 03h
for 2Gb chip 160ns Byte 24 00h Byte 25 05h
Byte 26
Minimum Internal Write to Read Command Delay time (tWTRmin)
This byte defines the minimum SDRAM Internal Write to Read Delay Time in MTB units. This value is read off the data sheet.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
tWTR min 7.5ns is for all DDR3 speed bins 3Ch
Byte 27
Minimum Internal Read to Precharg Command Delay time (tRTPmin)
This byte defines the minimum SDRAM Internal Read to Precharge Command Delay Time in MTB units. This value is read off the data sheet.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
tRTP min 7.5ns is for all DDR3 speed bins 3Ch
Byte 28
Upper Nibbles for tFAW
This byte makes up the most significant bit value (upper 4 bits) of the tFAW (bits 3-0). They are in (MTB) units. This value is read off the SDRAM data sheet.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
For tFAW value of 32ns or higher, the hex value for this byte is 01h
For all tFAW value less than 32ns, the hex value for this byte is 00h
Byte 29
Minimum Four Activate Window Delay Time (tFAWmin), Least Significant Byte
This works with Byte 28 to form a 12-bit value which defines the minimum SDRAM Four Activate Window Delay Time in MTB units. This data is available on the SDRAM data sheet.
Based on medium timebase of 0.125ns
tFAW min
40.0ns DDR3-800, 1K page size 40h
50.0ns DDR3-800, 2K page size 90h
37.5ns DDR3-1066, 1K page size 2Ch
50.0ns DDR3-1066, 2K page size 90h
30.0ns DDR3-1333, 1K page size F0h
45.0ns DDR3-1333, 2K page size 68h
30.0ns DDR3-1600, 1K page size F0h
40.0ns DDR3-1600, 2K page size 40h
Byte 30
SDRAM Output Drivers Supported
This byte defines the optional drive strengths supported by the SDRAMs on this module. This information can be found from the SDRAM data sheet.
RZQ/6 supported RZQ/7 supported 03h
RZQ/6 supported RZQ/7 not supported 01h
RZQ/6 not supported RZQ/7 supported 02h
Byte 31
Module Bank Density
This byte describes the module’s supported operating temperature ranges and refresh options. These values come from the DDR3 SDRAM data sheet. The information includes On-die Thermal sensor support, ASR Refresh support, 1X or 2X Temperature Refresh Rate support as well as the Extended Temperature Range.
(When CST EZ-SPD Programmer is used: Simply select all supported options from table. It automatically calculate the hex value based on the 2 byte binary number)
Byte 32-59
Reserved, General Section 00h
Byte 60
Module Nominal Height
Under or equal 15mm 00h
Between 15 and 16mm 01h
Between 16 and 17mm 02h
Between 17 and 18mm 03h
Between 18 and 19mm 04h
Between 19 and 20mm 05h
Between 20 and 21mm 06h
Between 21 and 22mm 07h
Between 22 and 23mm 08h
Between 23 and 24mm 09h
Between 24 and 25mm 0Ah
Between 25 and 26mm 0Bh
Between 26 and 27mm 0Ch
Between 27 and 28mm 0Dh
Between 28 and 29mm 0Eh
Between 29 and 30mm 0Fh
Between 30 and 31mm 10h
Between 31 and 32mm 11h
Between 32 and 33mm 12h
Between 33 and 34mm 13h
Between 34 and 35mm 14h
Between 35 and 36mm 15h
Between 36 and 37mm 16h
Between 37 and 38mm 17h
Between 38 and 39mm 18h
Between 39 and 40mm 19h
Between 40 and 41mm 1Ah
Between 41 and 42mm 1Bh
Between 42 and 43mm 1Ch
Between 43 and 44mm 1Dh
Between 44 and 45mm 1Eh
Over 45mm 1Fh
Byte 61
Module Mechanical Maximum Thickness
This byte defines the maximum thickness in millimeters of the fully assembled module including heat spreaders and any other components. It is in two parts; the front thickness (from PCB surface) and the back thickness (from PCB surface).
(When CST EZ-SPD Programmer is used: Simply selected by number between 1-15mm for front thickness and by number between 1-15mm for back thickness. Program automatically converts these thickness number into 2 byte hex code.)
Smaller or equal to 1mm on both front and back 00h
1 to 2 mm on both front and back 11h
2 to 3 mm on both front and back 22h
3 to 4 mm on both front and back 33h
2 mm on front 1 mm max on back 01h
3 mm on front 1 mm max on back 02h
4 mm on front 1 mm max on back 03h
Byte 62
Reference Raw Card Used
This Byte indicates which JEDEC reference design raw card was used as the basis for the module assembly. It includes Raw Card designator and Revision number.
(When CST EZ-SPD Programmer is used: Simply select by number on revision code. Select Raw Card number by alphabetic code. Program automatically calculates the 2 byte Hex number.)
Raw Card A rev. 0 00h , rev. 1 20h , rev. 2 40h , rev. 3 60h
Raw Card B rev. 0 01h , rev. 1 21h , rev. 2 41h , rev. 3 61h
Raw Card C rev. 0 02h , rev. 1 22h , rev. 2 42h , rev. 3 62h
Raw Card D rev. 0 03h , rev. 1 23h , rev. 2 43h , rev. 3 63h
Raw Card E rev. 0 04h , rev. 1 24h , rev. 2 44h , rev. 3 64h
Raw Card F rev. 0 05h , rev. 1 25h , rev. 2 45h , rev. 3 65h
Raw Card G rev. 0 06h , rev. 1 26h , rev. 2 46h , rev. 3 66h
Raw Card H rev. 0 07h , rev. 1 27h , rev. 2 47h , rev. 3 67h
Raw Card J rev. 0 08h , rev. 1 28h , rev. 2 48h , rev. 3 68h
Raw Card K rev. 0 09h , rev. 1 29h , rev. 2 49h , rev. 3 69h
Raw Card L rev. 0 0Ah , rev. 1 2Ah , rev. 2 4Ah , rev. 3 6Ah
Raw Card M rev. 0 0Bh , rev. 1 2Bh , rev. 2 4Bh , rev. 3 6Bh
Raw Card N rev. 0 0Ch , rev. 1 2Ch , rev. 2 4Ch , rev. 3 6Ch
Raw Card P rev. 0 0Dh , rev. 1 2Dh , rev. 2 4Dh , rev. 3 6Dh
Raw Card R rev. 0 0Eh , rev. 1 2Eh , rev. 2 4Eh , rev. 3 6Eh
Raw Card T rev. 0 0Fh , rev. 1 2Fh , rev. 2 4Fh , rev. 3 6Fh
Raw Card U rev. 0 10h , rev. 1 30h , rev. 2 50h , rev. 3 70h
Raw Card V rev. 0 11h , rev. 1 31h , rev. 2 51h , rev. 3 71h
Raw Card W rev. 0 12h , rev. 1 32h , rev. 2 52h , rev. 3 72h
Raw Card X rev. 0 13h , rev. 1 33h , rev. 2 53h , rev. 3 73h
Raw Card Y rev. 0 14h , rev. 1 34h , rev. 2 54h , rev. 3 74h
Raw Card Z rev. 0 15h , rev. 1 35h , rev. 2 55h , rev. 3 75h
Byte 63
Address Mapping from Edge Connector to DRAM
For ease of module PCB layout, sometimes “mirror” address mapping is used. “Mirror” address is to flip the address line sequence on the 2nd rank of the module. This byte describes the connection of edge connector pins for address bits to the corresponding input pins of the DDR3 SDRAMs.
Rank 1 Mapping
Standard 00h
Mirrored 01h
Byte 64-116
Reserved 00h
Byte 117
Module Manufacturer ID Code, Least Significant Byte
This code is obtained through manufacturer’s registration with JEDEC (the standard setting committee). A small fee is charged by JEDEC to support and maintain this record. Please contact JEDEC office.
Byte 117 is the least significant byte while byte 118 is the most significant byte. If the ID is not larger than one byte (in hex), byte 118 should be filled with 00h.
Byte 118
Module Manufacturer ID Code, Most Significant Byte
This code is obtained through manufacturer’s registration with JEDEC (the standard setting committee). A small fee is charged by JEDEC to support and maintain this record. Please contact JEDEC office.
Byte 117 is the least significant byte while byte 118 is the most significant byte. If the ID is not larger than one byte (in hex), byte 118 should be filled with 00h.
Byte 119
Module Manufacturing Location
Optional manufacturer assigned code.
Byte 120
Module Manufacturing Date
Byte 120 is for the year.
(When CST EZ-SPD Programmer is used: User selects the year to automatically enter the year code in hex.)
Byte 121
The week of the year, 1 to 52.
(When CST EZ-SPD Programmer is used: The program should automatically calculate the week of the year once a day on the calendar is click selected and “OK” by the user. It will also automatically convert to the proper SPD hex code)
Byte 122-125
Module Serial Number
Optional manufacturer assigned number.
On the Serial Number setting, JEDEC has no specification on data format nor dictates the location of the Most Significant Bit. Therefore, it’s up to the individual manufacturer to assign his numbering system.(All CST testers and EZ-SPD programmers have the option for the user to select either byte 122 or 125 as the MSB (most significant bit). The tester assumes the use of ASCII format, which is the most commonly used. The CST testers also have the function to automatically increment the serial number on each module tested.)
Byte 126-127
SPD Cyclical Redundancy Code (CRC)
This two-byte field contains the calculated CRC for previous bytes in the SPD. A certain algorithm and data structures are to be followed in calculating and checking the code. Bit 7 of Byte 0 indicates which bytes are covered by the CRC.
(When CST EZ-SPD Programmer is used: The CST tester automatically calculates the CRC for you based on information of Byte 0 – Byte 125.)
Byte 128-145
Module Part Number
The manufacturer’s part number is written in ASCII format within these bytes.
Byte 128 is the most significant digit in ASCII while byte 145 is the least significant digit in ASCII. Unused digits are coded as ASCII blanks (20h).
(When CST EZ-SPD Programmer is used: Simply click the button at the right of Byte 128 to open an edit window, input the manufacturer’s PN (Maximum 18 digits). The software will automatically translate it into ASCII and write them into Bytes 128-145.)

Byte 146-147
Module Revision Code
Optional Manufacturer Assigned Code
Byte 148
DRAM Manufacturer ID Code, Least Significant Byte
This code is obtained through manufacturer’s registration with JEDEC (the standard setting committee). A small fee is charged by JEDEC to support and maintain this record. Please contact JEDEC office. Reference to JEDEC document JEP-106 for more detail.
Byte 148 is the least significant byte while byte 149 is the most significant byte. If the ID is not larger than one byte (in hex), byte 149 should be filled with 00h.
Byte 149
DRAM Manufacturer ID Code, Most Significant Byte
This code is obtained through manufacturer’s registration with JEDEC (the standard setting committee). A small fee is charged by JEDEC to support and maintain this record. Please contact JEDEC office. Reference to JEDEC document JEP-106 for more detail.
Byte 148 is the least significant byte while byte 149 is the most significant byte. If the ID is not larger than one byte (in hex), byte 149 should be filled with 00h.
Byte 150-175
Manufacturer’s Specific Data
Optional manufacturer assigned code. The module manufacturer may include any additional information desired into the module within these locations.
Byte 176-255
Open for Customer Use
Optional customer assigned codes. These bytes are unused by the manufacturer and are open for customer use.
Final Note:
Everything in the above article and more are now implemented into the CST EZ-SPD DDR3 Programmer software. The new features are:
1. Pop up window of explanation on each Byte.
2. Clickable selection right from the illustration window.
3. Auto CRC checksum on byte 126 and byte 127.
4. Text input on "manufacturer code" and "serial number". User define MSB/LSB format.
5. Auto JEDEC week and year coding from PC clock.
6. Software write protect function.
....just to name a few.
For further information on CST EZ-SPD Programmer , click on this link :