DDR3 memory standard debuts |
6/28/2007 |
According to the standards group,the new DDR3 standard comes out with the aim to improve the performance and reduce power compared with to the DDR1 and DDR2 memory schemes .
Hard-Disk Makers Develop New Storage Technique |
6/26/2007 |
A new technique is being researched to expand the life of perpendicular recording in hard disk drives. It is said that the disk track media might be able to nearly double the density of bits on a disk.However, this approach is still controversial.
Zarlink acquires Legerity |
6/26/2007 |
Zarlink Semiconductor Inc. announced that he has signed an aggrement to acquire Legerity Holdings Inc. for $134.5 million in cash.
Kingston unveils DDR3 memory |
6/25/2007 |
Kingston's HyperX 1375MHz and ValueRAM 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM modules comes to the market. DDR3 with a lower overall power consumption will not show a brilliant performance.
TI accused of Water Contamination |
6/25/2007 |
TI is under an accusation of contamination of groundwater by more than one hundred residents living in a community west of Texas Instruments Inc.'s headquarters.
Elpida hangs up price war |
6/25/2007 |
Elpida Memory Inc. hangs the price war that hurt sales early in the year with a preview of a big sale in the second half of the year.
Samsung launch 1 Terabyte Hard-Disk |
6/20/2007 |
Samsung has announced its one terabyte (TB) F1 series hard disk drive (HDD), which features the highest recording density in a 3.5-inch HDD using only three disks