Prices for DDR up, while DDR2 down |
9/8/2005 |
Contract prices for DDR and DDR2 went in opposite directions in the first half of September. Mainstream DDR chip prices were up within a 2.11% range, while most DDR2 chip prices were down 3.3%.
TSMC August sales up sequentially |
9/8/2005 |
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. said that while net sales for August were down year over year, they climbed sequentially 11.2 percent to $23.2 billion new Taiwanese dollars.
TI to ship a single chip platform for video |
9/8/2005 |
Texas Instruments says it plans to introduce a new single chip platform, called DaVinci, which combines digital signal and general-purpose processing chips with all the software, design tools and accelerators needed to create the next generation of digital video products.
UMC said August sales up slightly |
9/7/2005 |
UMC sales rose to NT$8.01 billion ($245 million) in August, up 13.4 percent from July but down 30.4 per cent from a year earlier.
Analyst: Intel 3rd quarter on track |
9/7/2005 |
Intel will announce that it is on track with its Q3 guidance tomorrow in its schedules mid-quarter update, according to one analyst.
Samsung unveils 256Mbit pseudostatic RAM |
9/6/2005 |
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has developed a 256-Mbit pseudostatic RAM using a 90-nanometer manufacturing process technology, which it claims is the industry's first.
NAND flash short in supply in near term |
9/6/2005 |
NAND flash supplies are going to be under massive pressure for the rest of the year, with the second largest supplier, Toshiba, saying it can supply only 70 percent of demand for the rest of the year.
Samsung to sell both HD formats DVD playter |
9/6/2005 |
Samsung Electronics will bring out a DVD machine next year capable of playing both Blu-ray and HD DVD if backers of the rival standards fail to agree on a unified format, a newspaper said.
iPod may infringe Creative Patent |
9/2/2005 |
Creative Technology said it has been awarded a U.S. patent for user-interface technology found in its portable media players including the market leading iPod from Apple.
Intel fires back at AMD suit |
9/2/2005 |
Intel fired back in response to a suit recently initiated by Advanced Micro Devices over alleged unfair business practices.
AMD to invest Millions into Dresden Fab |
9/1/2005 |
AMD announced that it has placed a multimillion dollar order for Yield Dynamics Inc.'s Genesis yield management software for use in its 300mm Fab 36.
Microsoft investigates another IE flaw |
8/31/2005 |
A new, unpatched flaw in Internet Explorer could let miscreants surreptitiously run malicious code on Windows PCs, according to the discoverer of the bug.